Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A great message.....

Dear Ladies,
In preparation for the Sisters in Faith event this Saturday, I ran across this message from Jan Silvious on her website.   She wrote it in January for the new year.  I love what she has to say and even though it was written a few months back, it is timely for us in March!  It speaks to many of the things we have discussed over the months in our Tuesday study……do we  believe God and are we allowing Him to write a new story in our lives?

From Jan…..

 I've spent a lot of time with the Children of Israel this year exploring their journey out of Egypt into the Promised Land. What a story they wrote for themselves in the annals of biblical history. God had promised them everything they would ever want but they could not possess what He had for them because they didn't trust the way He was giving it to them.

The land they were moving into was full of enemies that He assured them would be dispatched but it was hard for them to trust His heart when it didn't happen on their time table. He told them, "I will drive them out before you, little by little, until you become fruitful and take possession of the land." Exodus 23:30
'Little by little' was hard for them to hear -- so hard that many of them lost heart and went after other gods who wouldn't be so hard to please. Some of them grumbled and complained. Some of them became immoral -- after all, why not? Only two of the original group that left Egypt were able to go into the Land to possess it — Joshua and Caleb — two men who didn't give up because of God's 'little by little.'
I don't know what you are facing or are needing to possess in this year that is brand new — but you can be sure God will take you through even when it seems He is slowly moving on your behalf 'little by little.'
Joshua lived with a lot of 'little by littles,' but when it was time for him to die, these were his words to those who remained. "Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed: all have been fulfilled for you; not one of them has failed." Joshua 23:14
I want to encourage you for the beginning of this year is to cling to the truth that God may be moving 'little by little' but He is moving and not one of the 'good words which the Lord spoke concerning you' will fail.
So, my Friend, go forth and confidently take the land God has prepared for you,

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