Friday, January 11, 2013

Put Me In Coach, I'm Ready to Play!

 dropped the ball.  I felt the Spirit of God telling me that I should be on the Dominican Republic mission trip this year. He told me in my quiet time, He told me in the books I read, He told me in the sermons I listened to.

 I recently finished a book by Jennie Allen called “Anything” and in it she dares readers to be available to God in a way that they will do anything He calls them to do.  I was pumped by the book and by the way God was speaking so clearly so I sent an email to the DR trip coordinator with my passport number.

 This wasn’t an easy step for me.  With three kids in college next year, it didn’t make sense financially.  With the winter break that my office imposes between Christmas and New Year it didn’t make sense for my leave balance, I would be quite far in the negative.

But God was speaking and I was going to be obedient. When I sent that email I was jazzed!  I was taking a leap of faith, I was trusting the God I say I trust, I was Peter stepping out into the waves, eyes fixed firmly on my Jesus.  It felt amazing.

 And then my phone rang.

My precious Dad who was in Texas visiting my sister wasn't well.  We weren't sure what was wrong, but it could be something quite serious. I thought of the possibilities…of the time I would need should he require a lengthy hospital stay. Time away from work; more time without pay.  I took my eyes off Jesus and looked instead at the storm.  And I sank like a stone.  I frantically tried to reach the trip coordinator with emails and phone calls to let her know I couldn't go, to please, please not buy me a ticket.

And here I am.

The trip is this week and God’s work will be done in the DR. People will be treated for their medical conditions, children will be taught in Bible school and homes will be built.  God’s will and work will be accomplished.  I just won’t get to be a part of it.  And my heart is a bit broken.

But it isn't the end. 

The beauty of having God as your coach is that when you drop one ball, He will throw you another.  He didn't let Peter drown in the waves when he began to doubt and started to sink.  He caught him and reminded him to trust.  And then He gave him another chance.

So, put me in Coach, I’m ready to play.

 "Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, Lord, save me!”~Matthew 14: 29-30

 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.

 “You of little faith,He said, why did you doubt?”~Matthew 14: 31

In Acts 3:6-8 a lame man is healed.

 " Then Peter said, 'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.'  Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God."

Is God throwing a ball your way?  Is there an opportunity to serve or speak in His name? Trust Him.  Remember that it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose (Philippians 2:13).

~Cyndi Word

Prayer:  Thank you, Father, for your love and mercy. Thank you for the way that you understand our frailties and failures and that you love us and will use us despite them. Open our eyes to the opportunities you put before us, that we may see your will and DO it. Help us to trust in you at all times to empower and equip us to do the things you have called us to do. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Cyndi. I agree with you - HE always gives us another chance, another opportunity to serve HIM. Be on the look out - I'm sure HE's got something great for you to do soon. :-)
