Monday, July 9, 2012

Backyard Bible Study Tomorrow Night!


We are excited that so many of you are going to be attending Backyard Bible Study this summer!  By the end of August, it is our prayer that you will have some new friends and a new and fresh perspective on where you are positioned in God's big plan for your life!  He has a plan , you know, and all He asks from us is to cooperate!  I know, I know--it is harder than it sounds, but the journey is always lighter and easier ( and way more fun!) when traveling with kindred spirits!   This is what we LOVE about our circle of friends--we are from different life experiences, different backgrounds and are in different seasons of life, BUT..... it is exactly this diversity that makes our time together so valuable!   

So.....whether you are able to make only one or many of our gatherings this summer, we are so happy you have decided to join in!

We are always open, never close and are happy to welcome anyone one who would like to check us out!

You are in our prayers as we plan for the summer!


Donna and Laura

PS. If you have not received a Backyard Bible Study schedule and list of locations & addresses, let us know!  We will send it off to you ASAP.

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